Samsung SCX-4321 Driver Download for Windows 11-10-8.1-8-7 (32bit)(64bit)
Samsung Universal Print Driver-Samsung Scan OCR program-Samsung Network PC fax Utility
Samsung SCX-4321 Driver Download for Windows
This is the most current driver of the HP Universal Print Driver (UPD) for Windows for Samsung printers.
Version: V3.00.16.01:01
File Name: SamsungUniversalPrintDriver3.exe
Released: Apr 13, 2022
Size: 27.31 MB
Operating systems: Windows 11- Windows 10 (32-bit)- Windows 10 (64-bit)- Windows 8.1 (32-bit)- Windows 8.1 (64-bit)- Windows 8 (32-bit)- Windows 8 (64-bit)- Windows 7 (32-bit)- Windows 7 (64-bit)
Samsung Scan OCR program
Use for scanning documents that need to be saved in an editable text format. Text Converting will only be available after installing the optical character recognition (OCR) software.
Version: V1.01.25
File Name: WIN_OCR_V1.01.25.exe
Post Date: Jun 29, 2023
Size: 28.6 MB
Compatibility Systems: Windows 11- Windows 10 (32-bit)- Windows 10 (64-bit)- Windows 8.1 (32-bit)- Windows 8.1 (64-bit)- Windows 8 (32-bit)- Windows 8 (64-bit)- Windows 7 (32-bit)- Windows 7 (64-bit)
Samsung Network PC fax Utility
Network PC Fax is a software package designed to send fax messages via Samsung multifunction printers supplied with fax functionality. Any kind of document can be sent using such device and this operation is as simple as printing the document on an ordinary printer
Version: V2.02.35
File Name: WIN_PCFAX_V2.02.35.exe
Release date: Jun 29, 2023
Size: 11.23 MB
Compatible Systems: Windows 11- 10 (32-bit)- 10 (64-bit)- 8.1 (32-bit)- 8.1 (64-bit)- 8 (32-bit)- 8 (64-bit)- 7 (32-bit)- 7 (64-bit)